2008년 10월 25일 토요일

Blog #6 Finished, Tired

Book: 1984

Reading Amount: whole book

I really enjoyed reading this book. I realized the theme was actually supposed to be "unfair judgement", but I can also conclude that it can also be "love that cannot come true" because of the love that is mentioned in parts of the book. From unfair judgement, love did not come true.

The biggest part of the book that really created an impact was the setting of the story. Compared to other books, this is a really unique setting. From the setting of "1984 communist times", this book was able to create things that were out of the ordinary like the "telescreens". I liked the setting and all, because it reminded me of suffering.

2008년 10월 19일 일요일

Blog #5

Book: 1984
Author: George Orwell
Amount: Chapters 3-10
The basic storyline so far consists of a brainwashed man named Winston as one of the citizens of the dictator country ruled by this so called figure named "Big Brother". After another brainwashing day passes, Winston starts to experience love toward a woman he sees walking across the streets. However, according to the rules of dictator ship, love is not allowed. Only the worshipping of "Big Brother" is permitted. There are security cameras called "tele--".
I think the theme of this book is actually "impossible love". Winston and the woman can not love each other for official reasons, its against the rules. I'm starting to enjoy this book because it keeps the reader drawn into the book. I realize this conflict of dictatorship is still happening in the present communist nature. I wish that countries like North Korea would soon unite and not become like the setting of "1984".

2008년 10월 5일 일요일

Blog #4 A New Beginning

Due to technical reading difficulties I decided to choose a different book to read. Its called, "1984" written by George Orwell. This book starts out with a introduction of Winston, a normal man character present in the current society of 1984. This society is mainly constructed from a half third point omnicent point of view. The author includes only obvious, concrete desicions made by one or more characters. The reason that it's only "half", however, is because the author forbids showing what the high authorities or what "Big Brother"(Dictator) has in mind.

As I read this book, I really strive to find the true theme and moral to this story. I realize by the stylistic format that this story isn't any other normal book. I have to use symbolism to be knowledgable on understanding different parts of what "dictatorship" was. So far, this book really defined how North Korea is like in the present.